15 Feb The Benefits of Cataract Surgery
A cataract is an eye disease that makes a person’s vision seem blurry. This occurs due to the clouding of the natural lens inside the eyes. When left untreated, it can lead to permanent loss of sight. Often people with this disease only seek help once the situation has gotten worse. This shouldn’t be the case.
We highly encourage anyone who suspects that they have this disease to get a consultation from Abell Eyes. Our eye care center has done cataract surgery for Lexington, KY locals over the years, making us one of the best practitioners in the industry. We can determine whether the operation is right for you. If we recommend that you get one, some of the things you can expect once you have this procedure include:
Improvement in Quality of Life
Blurry vision inhibits an individual from performing their daily tasks. Aside from the physical limitations, it could also affect someone’s psychological well-being. Not being able to see clearly creates a negative impact on people’s lives. As such, the results of cataract surgery in Lexington, KY done by Abell Eyes could allow individuals to engage in activities that they usually enjoy and feel better about themselves.
Reduces the Risk of Accidents
Cataracts are often present among the elderly. With their advanced age, accidents, such as falls, become more dangerous. Impaired vision caused by this eye disease endangers them. As such, it is important to address the issue before something potentially dangerous occurs.
Research shows that there was a decrease in the odds of getting fractures among patients who have received cataract surgery. By having this procedure done by experts, such as our team at Abell Eyes, an individual with this eye disease will be able to avoid mishaps that could endanger and harm them.
Ability to Immediately Resume Regular Activities
Ophthalmologists who have done cataract surgeries several times can attest to the fact that there is minimal downtime after the procedure. Although every patient is different, most people can usually see clearly once the procedure is done. Some patients even report that they can see well enough to drive the day after their surgery.
A day after the surgery, most patients are able to read and watch anything they please. Our cataract surgery patients are also able to resume work within a week by following the necessary aftercare that their doctor instructs them.
Get in Touch with the Trusted Eye Doctors in Lexington, KY
Abell Eyes has doctors who are experienced in treating patients who have cataracts and other eye conditions. We take great care of those who seek medical attention from us. As an eye care center in Lexington, KY that is trusted by locals, we do our best to ensure that our patient’s vision will always be in good condition. To learn more about us, contact our team today!
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