People don’t often prioritize eye care. Most of the time, they only start getting concerned once symptoms, such as blurriness or itchiness, persist. Acting only when issues become apparent is not ideal since some vision-related diseases can develop over time if they are not addressed...

Using makeup during the holidays has become a custom for many Americans across the country. However, most people are unknowingly damaging their eyes with their choice of cosmetics. To observe holiday eye care, it’s important to keep the following in mind: • Expired Eye Makeup Can...

Glaucoma is a disease that affects the optic nerve. When left untreated, it could lead to permanent loss of vision. Glaucoma symptoms are generally not noticeable in the first stages. However, if you are at risk of having this disease, it is advisable for you...

Cataracts are one of the leading causes of partial and total blindness across the world. Its prevalence has led some people to reach conclusions that could easily be misconceptions and unfortunately many people believe them. The following are typical misunderstandings about this disease and the...

Sight is one of our most important senses. You can take care of your eyes by wearing sunglasses, reading or writing under sufficient light, and avoiding extreme brightness when using gadgets such as phones, tablets and computers. Apart from the obvious, annual comprehensive eye exams are...

Laser eye surgery, commonly known as LASIK, is probably one of the most effective procedures for correcting vision problems. It’s a short operation, taking less than 30 minutes for both eyes, yet the improvement in eyesight can last a lifetime. Although the majority of people who...

In 2015, 21 million people had Lasik eye surgery to correct their vision. But what if you are one of the unfortunate few who isn’t a Lasik candidate? If you are under the age of 18, are pregnant or nursing, or aren’t healthy enough for...

A cataract is an eye disease that makes a person’s vision seem blurry. This occurs due to the clouding of the natural lens inside the eyes. When left untreated, it can lead to permanent loss of sight. Often people with this disease only seek help...